Wiarton Rotary Golf Tournaent
Welcome to our 1st Annual Wiarton Rotary Golf Tournament, hosted by: Pinewoods Golf at Sauble Beach Join us for a day of fun, while helping to raise funds for your community. Rotary consists of community neighbors, friends, and leaders who volunteer their skills and resources to solve issues and address community needs. We raise funds every year to support community projects and initiatives. Register your group now, we look "FORE-ward" to seeing you on Sept 8, 2024 This will be a, 18 hole 4-Person Scramble tournament with 2 teams of 4 per hole. There will be a maximum of 18 groups (72 golfers) THERE WILL BE SEVERAL ACTIVITIES THROUGHOUT THE DAY: PUTTING CONTEST 50/50 DRAW AND MORE! Registration includes a welcome bag, lunch & dinner. Team of Four Golfers only $480. For more information, please contact; Glen Barnett wiartonrotarygolf@gmail.com